I GO IN HERE in the mornings every now and then...it's right next to the ocean...some guy left his phone by the newspapers...so I asked the clerk is this your phone. And he said, "no its the guy working there..." a few moments later this latino(?) guy came in and I said "you shouldn't leave your phone there...somebody could steal it..." and he responds by saying, "oh year, like who?" as if i was thinking about doing so. What a jerk. I was trying to help and protect him, and this sleaze bag makes me feel as if I'm a possible thief. So i told him he was a jerk and an asshole, and wished somebody had stolen his phone. Most people would thank another person for thinking of their well-being. This guy tried to turn me into a bad guy. I think it is actually an example of some of the race-based B.S. we deal with as white people in southern California. It's often Latinos doing this, which is a shame. Shame on this guy.